COMEDY lovers are in for a treat as a new rib-cracking sitcom titled Indlalifa (The Heir), which secured a slot on Ztv, started showing last Tuesday and is set to run for 13 weeks. The Afri-Art Production was written and produced by Jeffery Sibanda.

“We just want to produce great work and make the city proud again. Indlalifa (The Heir) is a 13-episode situational comedy about siblings who lost their rich father,” Sibanda told NewsDay Life & Style yesterday.

“Now they have to move into the family’s main house since their father’s will requires them to do so in order to access all his possessions. All the drama begins when they discover that their father had another firstborn somewhere and he has come to claim his position.”

Sibanda said the sitcom highlighted the lives of Zimbabwean youths in the 21st century.

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“We see different themes being brought in a humorous way for the characters to solve such as child abuse, drug abuse, child marriage, unemployment rate, gender-based violence and vuzu parties,” he said.

“The main idea of the sitcom is to make people laugh out loud by showing a comic angle of everyday situations in life.”

Sibanda said the sitcom had one season and was shot in different parts of the city.

“The production has just one season for now and it will run for 13 weeks every Tuesday,” he said.

The production was shot in Bulawayo’s Luveve suburb and Matopos Mansion and was produced by Allen Chigumira. It features Paulla Paloma, Prince Luphahla, Tebogo “Tebza” Moyo, Clinton Ndlovu and Michelle Mabuza.