Grooming is an extremely important part of ensuring you look and feel good every day.

This can involve investing extra time in yourself but you must remember that you deserve it and is a great way to build your self confidence.

It is not just your face that speaks for you, it is your body language and how you carry yourself.

A woman may appear very attractive until she sits in a weird manner, or says some unsuitable words that damage the look people perceived about her.

Personal grooming for women is equally important as it is to men. How to sit, how to speak, when to speak, what to speak, may all seem basic, but be highly essential especially when you are stepping in the professional world.

l The primary thing is to look clean. This is the basic step of your grooming. Have your nails neatly manicured. Avoid wearing showy nail colours that are too bright or catchy. Keep your ears and body clean.

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l Wear a perfume but do not pour the whole bottle over you. Too much of a perfume may be annoying to the people around you. Also, you must take care not to wear heavily-scented products when you are in a business meeting.

l Make-up should be simple and light for formal workplaces. However, no make-up will also be considered as an unethical act. Wear make-up that is neither little nor too heavy. Do not wear too much lipstick that spreads on the napkin or the glass when you take a sip of water.

l You must also not wear a lot of jewellery. Jewellery that is noisy and too large would annoy people around a serious discussion. Wear simple jewellery and avoid dangling earrings, large bracelets etc.

l Your hairstyle must also be simple. A showy dye will never do! Hair dyes that are nearer to natural hair colours work best. Avoid blue, bubble pink etc. When you are at work, tie your hair and move it away from your face.

l Normally when you are at work, you need to dress up appropriately. It is unethical at a workplace to show your cleavage, back or stomach. At work, with corporate people around, you should dress up rather conservatively.

l Self grooming also involves how you eat. Dining manners lay a great impact on people around you about how educated you are. Put the napkin on your lap instead of your collar. Make minimum noise with the utensils while you are eating.

l As for shoes, heels work best. They give you a chic and a complete lady-like look. However, you must first know how to walk in high heeled shoes. First practice walking in high heeled shoes around the house.

l Keep a few basics in your consideration. Use a mouthwash or see a dentist if you have a bad breath. Do not eat a lot at dinner or lunch parties even if you have a huge diet. Make use of the basic courtesy words, “sorry”, “thank you” and “please”. Getting the right outfit and accessories is only half the battle in style success.

l Manicures — It is important to make sure you have clean hair, clean and manicured nails, as well as buffed or polished toenails. This will not only make you look good but feel good too. If you can afford it, get a manicure and pedicure from an expert as this will help to make you feel a million dollars. If this is out of reach financially why not organise a manicure/pedicure night with the girls, which is free, great fun and leaves you feeling ultra groomed.

l Eyebrows — Groomed eyebrows are also extremely important because they frame your eyes. The best way to get the shape you want is to visit a beautician who will shape and wax them so they look great then you can maintain them yourself with your tweezers. Great eyebrows highlight your eyes and the make-up you put on your face as well as making you feel great with a natural look if you are heading to the beach.

l Hair Removal — Hair removal is very important in the style stakes as you don’t want to slip on that beautiful dress and realise you have hairy legs! Nowadays there are a huge range of products to choose from including permanent hair removal, laser hair removal, waxing and electrolysis. For those on a tight budget there’s the traditional method of shaving. Having smooth under arms and legs leaves you feeling great and helps you to overcome a lack of confidence. A Brazilian wax will also make you feel naughty but extremely nice with confidence to wear your itsy, bitsy bikini.

So it is important to look at every aspect of personal grooming so that you can wear your great outfits in style and step out into the world with confidence every day.

Keep updated ladies and stay fabulous.