Mbira maestro, Taku Mafika, is back in the country from a two-month music and study tour in Europe where he held performances in Germany and Poland.

Mafika, who specialises in playing nyunga nyunga mbira instrument, was based in Germany training in new media competency.

“I feel like I have grown as a musician because the audiences I was performing for were so mesmerised, and fell in love with the way that I played the mbira,” said the singer-songwriter.

“I was so inspired to see European audiences get up and dance in appreciation of my work. Sometimes, they even sang along to some of my songs.”

Mafika added that the musical and study tour had changed his perspective on how to use new media to expand the reach of his music.

“New media will help me to reach a more global audience and hopefully get me noticed by record companies and promoters from around the world. I want to encourage other mbira players and musicians to take advantage of the Internet and media techniques. Artists can easily market themselves globally,” he said.

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He said that performing for a foreign audience and witnessing the response to his music made him realise the worth of his potential.

“I realised that I have so much talent within. Previously, I underestimated the power of music but after this trip I got to appreciate that music can connect you to people and one can make a big difference to their lives,” he said.

Mafika said he is currently working on a new album Black to Colour, which will have a fusion of African and European instruments.

He said the album will focus on issues of hope, love and happiness and it is expected to be in collaboration with musicians he worked with on his tour of Europe.

One of the songs that will feature on the album One World, One Future, which features some Polish and German musician is already available on the popular video streaming website, YouTube.