Shows featuring combinations of sungura and gospel musicians have become common in the last couple of months.

Most of such shows are held at the Harare Gardens that used to be known as the ceremonial home of gospel music before sungura gigs “invaded” the territory.

It is in such budding style that Sulumani Chimbetu and Tongai Moyo will share the stage with Fungisai Zvakavapano-Mashavave at the Harare Gardens tomorrow afternoon.

According to the orgnisers of the show, such gigs are meant to bring families — at times separated by different religious beliefs — together.

“It is a common scenario in most families that women and children attend church services on Sundays while men remain at home or go to bars and sometimes to soccer matches. Only on rare occasions do wives in such families convince their husbands to join them in a congregation,” said the organiser.

Indeed, the family show will give husbands who usually attend their favourite secular music shows only a chance to have valuable pastime with their gospel-loving families. Such events are rare.

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In the years gone by, it was taboo to see gospel musicians fellowshipping with their counterparts from the secular world, let alone sharing the stage, but changing trends have ensured that people of various beliefs and backgrounds can mix socially.

Tomorrow will be such an exceptional day. All musicians are experienced in their respective genres and fans are undoubtedly in for a treat.

Fungisai is well-known for her danceable as well as inspiring songs that have made her one of the consistent gospel divas of the land.

Chimbetu is riding high with his latest album Non-Stop and has built a serious following that has seen him making impact in a sungura territory that is occupied by many renowned musicians.

Moyo has exhibited resilience and managed to keep his fans entertained despite battling ill health. The self — proclaimed king (Igwe) is undoubtedly one of the best entertainers in the country.

Extra events at the show will include fun-games for children that will be led by the popular Ajigija and dancing competitions for all ages.