I am a 34-year-old man looking for a serious and honest woman aged 30 and below, to marry. I am a motor mechanic and am based in Gaborone, Botswana. Please help.

I am 32-year-old man looking for a lady aged between 20 and 40 years. No chancers. I can be contacted on 0735 132 829 (Alinara)

I am an HIV-positive woman aged 30. I am looking for a loving, honest and caring man. He must be between 38 and 42 years of age. My number is 0735 858 773.

I am a young man aged 29 looking for a lady between 20 and 26 years of age. I can be contacted on 0779 943 928.

I am a 36-year-old man lookng for a romantic woman between 35 and 45 years of age.

I am a 32-year-old woman from Bulawayo looking for a loving, mature, caring and presentable man aged 40 years and above. I can be contacted on 0736 368 608.

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I am a 31-year-old father of one looking for a woman aged between 20 and 26 with or without one child and unemployed. She should be based in Harare or Domboshava. Call on 0733 927 456.

I am a 38-year-old lady with no children.I am looking for a God-fearing man, who does not drink alcohol, is aged 40 and above. I can be contacted on 0773 583 626.

I am a lady aged 26 and have no child. lm looking for a financially stable man to marry aged betwen 28 and 36. l am HIV-negative and need someone of the same status. I can be contacted on 0773 616 328.

I am a man aged 27 from Chitungwiza and I am looking for a woman aged between 17 and 20 years. I am employed and I am looking for serious lady.

I am a male aged 40 years with two children looking for a beautiful woman between 23 and 35 years of age to marry. She must be light in complexion, slim and a Christian. Call me on 0772 723 323.

I am an HIV positive single mother aged 32. I am looking for a mature single man to settle down with, preferrably of the same status.

I am a 25-year-old young man who is employed. I am looking a for a woman who is ready for marriage. She must 25 years old or younger. I live in Harare. My phone number is 0779 580 966.

I am a young man aged 29. I am looking for a woman aged between 18 and 25. I can be contacted on 0736 835 075.

I am a 39-year-old widow with three children. I am HIV-nagative and looking for an HIV-nagative widower or single man. He must be a Christian aged between 45 and 55. Please contact me on 0735 801 771.