WHEN Brian Jimu mastered the art of stone chipping from his father Joseph who was a truck driver at a farm in Guruve, he decided to explore more avenues by migrating to Harare and settling at Tsindi Gallery.

For Jimu, who ventured into stone art in 1997, Tsindi Gallery was a better hunting ground which would provide a quicker market and enhanced visibility than Tengenenge Gallery located in Guruve.

Speaking to NewsDay Life & Style, Jimu said his journey into sculpturing began with silent admiration of his father’s artistic works.

“My father commended my first creative work and I was lucky to get buyers. With advice from other established artists from the Tengenenge Art Gallery, I perfected my art and never looked back,” he said.

As part of his artifacts, Jimu advocates body hygiene as a healing solution for a long life. His black spring stone carving Women After Bath teaches to families on health and hygiene.

“Women take time looking into the mirror and only move away from it after getting a sense of satisfaction. They wear oils, perfumes and make energy ups not only to add beauty, but also enhance, cure and prevention of infections and disease,” Jimu said.

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He believes that there are a lot of lessons that humans contend with from the animal kingdom.

“My Mother and Child Elephant piece is symbolic of conversations which should be a regular feature between mothers and their children. Mothers can share knowledge on inheritance of materials, knowledge, and habits,” Jimu said.

He bemoaned economic hardships which he said remained a huge stumbling block in his line of work.

“We miss the good old days when tourists used to frequent Tsindi Gallery for some curios and visual art monuments. We also encourage local buyers to invest in trading sculpture works,” Jimu noted.

“Artists need to establish viable co-operations and links in order to market their work effectively and profitably.”