The day l set my eyes on her, I saw a masterpiece and made a vow, I vowed to make her the mother of my bundles of joy. Looked up in the sky and by the stars her name was written, In the map of destiny it was drawn and she became my ride or die.

“I will love you till the tides no longer turn” I promised her but little did I know. Little did I know that one day I will be her punching bag, that my ring would be a doorstep to suffering? My face always tattooed with her finger prints, her screams and shouts tormented me each and everyday, But tolerance became my daily meal Because I am a man.

They said I was bewitched but I called it the depth of my love for her. My heart hid what I couldn’t say because I am a man whose sin was to love. My wounds would bleed profusely but I dressed them with my silent cries as my love for her was deeper than an ocean. My pain was there yet it was unrecognized, I was thrashed each and everyday but no one would recognize my scars Because I am a man

Poem against gender based violence on man by: Alicia Pistis Nduna # The Lady Poet