THE Zimbabwe International Trade Fair (ZITF) Company seeks to identify ways of growing the exhibitions industry such that it becomes one of the main contributors to the country’s gross domestic product (GDP), an official has said.


In a statement, ZITF Company marketing and public relations manager, Stella Nkomo, said exhibitions were a major stimulus for industrial and commercial development driving industrial development and technology transfer, boosting regional and national industries, stimulating foreign investments in industry and infrastructure.

“ZITF Company’s long-term strategic focus is to identify ways of growing the exhibitions industry such that it becomes one of the main contributors to the country’s GDP,” Nkomo said.

“Countries such as Germany have done this well with 60% of national revenue being generated from exhibitions. We believe that with the facilities and human capital that Zimbabwe has, this feat is an achievable for us as well.”

Latest statistics shared by UFI — The Global Association of the exhibition industry, show that over 4,4 million exhibitors take up 124 million square metres of space in 31 000 trade shows annually; showcasing their brands, products and services to 260 million visitors.

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The $109 billion spent in the exhibitions industry directly creates approximately 680 000 full time equivalent jobs and 1,8 million jobs in tourism-related activities such as accommodation, transport, food and beverage and gifts among others.

“The outlook tied in well with ZITF Company’s exhibitions focus of this year where we are talking about the value of partnerships and linkages as a conduit to business growth as well as industrial development,” Nkomo said.

Nkomo said in their 58th year of trade facilitation in exhibitions, they noted that nothing beats face-to-face interaction, and strong partnerships are better than money in the hand.

Recently, ZITF Company joined the rest of the exhibition industry across the world in celebrating the 2017 edition of the Global Exhibitions Day.

The celebrations were aimed at connecting the global exhibitions industry to raise awareness about the value offered by exhibitions, while also celebrating the professionals, who make the industry a success, and promoting the many unique opportunities offered by this booming industry.