IT is not a Zimbabwean dream to see our leaders running to Europe every week for expensive “routine medical check-ups” while the ordinary man is left at the mercy of the collapsed health infrastructure. Tendai Mazenge,Our reader

It was never a Zimbabwean dream for our leaders to continue running to China and the United States, begging for loans to help fight malaria and HIV and Aids.

Never had it been the dream of our forefathers to see young children of school-going age hawking in the streets in search of school offshore accounts every year.

When the Zimbabwean child was born, it wasn’t his/her dream to survive on less than $1 a day while the politicians and their families swim in luxury, holidaying and shopping in Dubai every now and then.

It is never a Zimbabwean dream to have many educated Zimbabweans stranded in Europe and South Africa, sweeping the streets, cleaning and obediently washing dishes despite having qualifications that can transform our country.

Our leaders are responsible for this demise of our once breadbasket of Africa.

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For many years, Zimbabwe has remained the producer of raw materials and the dumping ground of Chinese products. Is this the Zimbabwean dream?

We have many rivers and lakes, yet our leaders cannot generate reliable electricity for the people.

We have too much sunlight that shines across the country all year round, yet the government doesn’t see the need to examine how we can harness solar energy to alleviate the power shortage which has become a major crisis for many years.

Many companies are being forced to shut down due to unreliable power supply. When are we going to have visionary leaders in Zimbabwe?

Every Zimbabwean is dreaming of the day when s/he can have equal access to quality education, quality healthcare, potable water supply, reliable electricity supply and security, among others.

Zimbabweans are yearning for three meals a day without necessarily being a politician This is what the MDC Alliance should focus on when they get into power.

Youths need jobs; not mere political speeches. Government must concentrate on policies that will create more jobs for youths.

All the MDC Alliance needs is support in 2018.

Our people seriously deserve better than the usual lip service.

The time to live the Zimbabwean dream is now.

Let us live the Zimbabwean dream from today.