Bulawayo calls for information that attracts investors

Ngoma said information was important because it increased transparency and accountability while helping communities to gain trust in the local authority and  its work.
By Patricia Sibanda Jun. 24, 2024

A long way out of the woods for Zim journos

Journalism is not a crime as journalists will be merely doing what they are employed to do and also playing their role as the fourth estate.
By Newsday May. 3, 2024

Lubimbi villagers in limbo over relocation

MIHR director Khumbulani Maphosa yesterday told Southern Eye that the government decided to ignore the appeal adding that the affected families’ future is uncertain.
By Patricia Sibanda Apr. 20, 2024

Editor's Memo: Don’t protect sexual harassment goons

Journalists have suffered in silence for fear of repercussions on their careers.
By Faith Zaba Oct. 6, 2023

Work-related sexual harassment has no place in modern society

Sexual harassment is a criminal offence and because cases are not reported or incidents in the past have involved hearsay with very little evidence,
By Amh Voices Oct. 2, 2023

ZBC rocked by sex scandal

ZBC insiders said the case could open a can of worms as there were many female employees that were victims of sexual harassment.
By Sydney Kawadza Sep. 24, 2023

Zim bigger than all of us

Zimbabweans no longer have a common understanding as to what can develop Zimbabwe because of political polarisation that is just toxic.
By Nicholas Aribino Sep. 18, 2023

Reject political manipulation, govt tells journos

Mutsvangwa also encouraged journalists to uphold professional and ethical standards to enable the public to make informed decisions when voting.
By Mirriam Mangwaya Aug. 15, 2023

Corruption Watch: Journalists, beware of being captured!

This past week, we saw more than 30 journalists and influencers drawn from Southern Africa visit Zimbabwe.
By Tawanda Majoni Aug. 13, 2023