Editorial Comment: Moaning about sanctions betrays leadership deficit

Those are precisely the reasons why Zimbabwe’s international isolation has not ended and not sanctions.
By The Standard 23h ago

Sanctions affecting our 2030 agenda: ED

Mnangagwa mentioned that they would continue to empower youths with the requisite skills, resources and tools to drive innovation and economic growth.
By Nizbert Moyo Oct. 26, 2024

Dwarfs in giant robes

Mnangagwa also told party members that they should respect the party and national Constitution and that the conference resolutions should be implemented by the government.
By Paidamoyo Muzulu Oct. 26, 2024

Police ministers, government bureaucrats - Zanu PF members told

Mnangagwa, however, said this conference will not be a talk-show.
By Kenneth Nyangani Oct. 25, 2024

ED fears sellouts at party conference

Party members from as far as the Midlands and Plumtree, who arrived on Tuesday morning, have been struggling to obtain accreditation.
By Kenneth Nyangani and Sharon Sibindi Oct. 24, 2024

‘ED jumped the gun on Moza elections’

The final outcome of the presidential, legislative and provincial elections held on October 9 will be announced by tomorrow.
By Priviledge Gumbodete Oct. 24, 2024

ED ‘endorses’ disputed Moza elections

The final outcome of the presidential, legislative and provincial elections will be announced by Friday.
By Priveledge Gumbodete Oct. 23, 2024

ED2030 campaign suffers setback

The ED2030 slogan has not only left ordinary Zimbabweans on the edge, but has also divided opinion among party activists.
By Sydney Kawadza and Ruvimbo Mukubwa Oct. 22, 2024

A high-sounding nothing: An evaluation of the state of the nation address

My evaluation of the Sona concludes that the whole address was a high sounding nothing – it was all smoke and mirrors.
By Phillip Nyasha Fungurai Oct. 20, 2024