Ritual has exposed Zanu PF’s widening rifts

There is a lot happening behind the scenes and as the Lacoste gang used to say in the days leading to the cowardly coup  against Gushungo; Magumo kune nyaya.
By Doctor Stop It 23h ago

Is there democracy in music?

According to the Zimbabwe constitution as amended up to June 20, 2023, Section 61b describes freedom of artistic expression and creativity as well as freedom of the media.
By Fred Zindi Oct. 13, 2024

Why political violence is endemic in Zim

A recent example is Rwanda where Paul Kagame won with virtually 100% (99.18%) of the vote, mainly because the real opponents were banned from running.
By Research And Advocacy Unit Oct. 6, 2024

The disruptive effect of military role in politics

The report traces the military’s influence back to the liberation struggle, where key military figures within Zanu and Zapu played pivotal roles in determining party leadership.
By Tinashe Kairiza Aug. 30, 2024

Military will determine Mnangagwa succession in Zanu PF, says report

Mnangagwa last year sparked controversy when he appointed Zimbabwe Defence Forces commander Philip Valerio  Sibanda to the Zanu PF politburo.
By Nqobani Ndlovu Aug. 25, 2024

Advocacy institute launches platform to advance democracy

They were accused of plotting protests against President Emmerson Mnangagwa during the Sadc summit and have been remanded in custody.
By Julia Ndlela Aug. 9, 2024

Zimbabwe failing to insure big projects

The southern African country is still under the Zimbabwe Democracy and Economic Recovery Act (Zidera) sanctions.
By Melody Chikono Aug. 4, 2024

Candid Comment: Time to revisit the IMPI report

The information that business executives acquire from college is mostly basic.
By Shame Makoshori Apr. 19, 2024

Sanctions against Zim must go! But how?

The only people opposed to this are in the ruling party, the military and some in opposition, who campaigned for the imposition of the sanctions to begin with.
By Trevor Ncube Mar. 21, 2024