Zanu PF youth league member in bribery storm

Mambondiani allegedly tried to bribe secretary for youth affairs Tinotenda Machakaire and his deputy John Paradza during a national youth executive meeting held on May 9 in Harare.
By Staff Reporter May. 18, 2024

Mnangagwa marches expose Zanu PF fights

Mnangagwa is accused of imposing his ally John Paradza as leader of the Zanu PF youth league, sparking resistance from party structures.

By The Independent Aug. 7, 2022

Mnangagwa marches expose Zanu PF fights

Mnangagwa is accused of imposing his ally John Paradza as leader of the Zanu PF youth league, sparking resistance from party structures.

By The Independent Aug. 7, 2022

Is it time to protect people from their churches?

Almost all types of churches promise congregants financial prosperity, instant gratification and an almost hedonistic kind of salvation in exchange for financial donations to the church. It was a radical departure from the old fashioned Christian values which promoted perseverance, long suffering, piety, delayed gratification and turning the other cheek.

By The Independent Apr. 30, 2022