Water leakages haunt Gweru council


GWERU City Council says it is losing a lot of treated water through leakages along its obsolete piping system.

“As a city, we are losing a lot of portable water through leakages,” said mayor Hamutendi Kombayi.

Kombayi could, however, not provide exact statistics on the water leakages.

“We now need to work together as city fathers and council and come up with ways of ending this,” he said.

A research carried out in 2014 by the local authority revealed that the city was losing a lot of treated water through tap and pump leaks.

 According to the study, Mambo and Mtapa high-density suburbs recorded the highest number of households losing water through leakages.

In the past, stakeholders have called for city fathers to embark on massive education campaigns to encourage residents to conserve water and develop a culture of reporting water pipe bursts and leaks.

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