Letter from America: Is the new Anglo-Indian Prime Minister another Obama?

The issue here is that these globalists have no loyalty to any one country
By Kenneth Mufuka Oct. 30, 2022

Letter from America: A new culture war is brewing over abortion

During the last year, a lackadaisical president Joe Biden has been struggling on every front to hold the galloping inflation, now at 30% at bay without success. He promised Black Lives Matter that he would appoint a black woman to the supreme court, if blacks supported his bid for president.

By The Southern Eye May. 8, 2022

Letter from America: A new culture war is brewing over abortion

During the last year, a lackadaisical president Joe Biden has been struggling on every front to hold the galloping inflation, now at 30% at bay without success. He promised Black Lives Matter that he would appoint a black woman to the supreme court, if blacks supported his bid for president.

By The Southern Eye May. 8, 2022