The truth and denominational practice

The bad part is that some have amalgamated into ministries without real evangelism being undertaken.
By Erasmus Makarimayi Jul. 13, 2024

DivineInsight: Bread of affliction : Labouring in vain

So the Bible is saying that the blessing of God does not add sorrow. Some  that are wealthy are frustrated and sorrowful, why?
By Humphrey Mtandwa Jul. 7, 2024

Issachar's wisdom: Keys to wealth transfer

God is the one who prospers His people, and the reason He gives you wealth is to establish His covenant, as He swore to your fathers.
By Humphrey Mtandwa Jun. 30, 2024

Insights on spiritual warfare

To prevail in spiritual warfare, we must first acknowledge the existence and nature of the enemy.
By Humphrey Mtandwa Jun. 23, 2024

We are sealed with the Holy Spirit

Many have failed to exercise spiritual authority because of wrong teaching. We are born of the Spirit.
By Erasmus Makarimayi Jun. 8, 2024

Don't forget to forget

Some people have astonishing memories and will remember the names of the cup-winning team from 1970 or the price of sugar in 2000
By Tim Middleton May. 26, 2024

Divine insight: Mystery of expectation

Expectation is the birthing place for the miracles.
By Humphrey Mtandwa May. 19, 2024

Sunday word: The God of deliverance

Exodus story underscores the importance of faith and obedience in experiencing God’s deliverance.
By Prosper Tingini May. 5, 2024

New and living way

Complaining or murmuring is fertile ground for not realising the promises of God.
By Erasmus Makarimayi May. 4, 2024