VILLAGERS in Nesigwe, Nkayi district in Matabeleland North province, say they are losing as many as 10 cattle a month to rustlers, who allegedly sell the meat to backyard butcheries in Bulawayo and other areas.
The villagers have formed a vigilante anti-cattle rustling unit, Azibuye Emasisweni, to fight the vice as they allege that police have been ineffective in apprehending the culprits.
A representative of the unit, Country Moyo, told Southern Eye that rustlers were stealing their only symbol of wealth, leaving them poorer.
“We formed this association to safeguard our livestock. Nesigwe has become the epicentre of stocktheft,” Moyo said.
He said they recently intercepted cattle that had been stolen from Mpakama that were being driven to Manotice in Gokwe, which is a red zone area.
He said they reported the matter to the police.
“We also called the Veterinary Services Department who came and discovered that two of the cattle were contaminated with foot and mouth disease,” Moyo said.
He said rustlers left carcasses in the bush after skinning cattle.
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“We advise residents in Bulawayo to stop buying cattle meat from Nesigwe and other areas surrounding that area because some of them are mixed with cattle coming from the red zone areas, that are known to be prone to foot and mouth disease.”
Matabeleland North provincial police spokesperson Inspector Glory Banda said they would investigate the matter.
“We will call police in Nkayi and find out what is happening,’’ Banda said.
Matabeleland North provincial Veterinary Services director Felistas Ndlovu said two-thirds of the province was a red zone area due to its proximity to game parks.