He calls himself Ruka Chivende, or Smart Tembo, both liberation war pseudonyms, and his two political rivals call themselves Wamba dia Wamba and Chibadura respectively, and they are quite prolific figures in Zimbabwe’s politics.

Today, we choose them, in their 2013 picture when our senior photographer, Shepherd Tozvireva, snapped them hobnobbing.

Not anymore do they do that! and we thought we might just remind you in this first edition of our weekly #ChooseDay Pic, where we select an outstanding picture, and share with you, on a very light note!


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INCAPACITED: The bread & butter story of the Zim worker. @tapiwazivira @johnmokwetsi @thestandardzim @Zimindependent @HStvZim @tinosamk @r_muchenje @ronald_magweta pic.twitter.com/VYAMC21IWS

— NewsDay Zimbabwe (@NewsDayZimbabwe) June 22, 2019