Zanu PF has launched a campaign to lure university students to join its ranks in exchange for a “good living” to attain its goal to achieve five million votes in the 2023 election.

University of Zimbabwe student and Zanu PF Wilbert Muzaruwetu last week spilt the beans after stating in a podcast that bootlicking Zanu PF elites had enabled him to live “comfortably”.

Muzaruwetu recently quit a top position in the UZ students’ representative council (SRC), to focus on the Zanu PF youth league-linked Zimbabwe Congress of Student’s Union (Zicosu) national executive council (Nec).

In a podcast hosted by a UZ media student Brandon ‘Dj Mambo’ Mazumba last week, Muzaruwetu said Zanu PF youth will assist the party to attain five million votes in the 2023 elections.

“We are being well taken care of and so there is no way a youth affiliated to the ruling Zanu PF party at this highest level can be seen with an empty pocket or even failing to own a car.

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“The idea is we want to emulate and get other young people to join the party. They will notice that it is a mass party after they see me glowing and cruising in a Mercedes Benz,” Muzaruwetu said.

 “I am an entrepreneur, who is also getting into farming, and most importantly I am a Zanu PF young member who is close to ministers, and my mentor the deputy minister of Sports Tinoda Machakaire always looks for ways to assist me whenever I have a problem.”

His remarks come at a time President Emmerson Mnangagwa warned party members that holding influential party positions was not a “passport” for access to national wealth, favours or other benefits.

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