GWERU — Gweru residents are headed for a dry spell amid reports that the local authority plans to decommission Gwenoro Dam, the city’s main water supply, next Monday.

Stephen Chadenga

City engineer Jones Nathambwe was recently quoted in our sister paper, Southern Eye saying Gwenoro had to be decommissioned soon since it had literally run dry.

“We will be decommissioning the dam (Gwenoro) soon as the capacity there is only 2%,” he said.

Though the city could turn to other dams, Amapongokwe and Whitewaters, investigations by the paper revealed that no proper equipment has been installed at the two dams to meet the city’s water needs through increased pumping capacity.

Contacted for comment on the situation at Gwenoro yesterday, town clerk Daniel Matawu said the right people to talk were the city engineers.

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Sources said city fathers were having headaches on how to handle the water situation if Gwenoro Dam was decommissioned by next Monday as per council resolution.