BY IRENE MOYO ART in its different forms has been considered a vital vehicle in informing, entertaining and educating society.

Through music, dance and drama, Bulawayo arts group, Woza Africa Arts is making strides in creating awareness against drug abuse and prostitution.

The arts group was formed in 2006 and officially launched last year.

In an interview with NewsDay Life & Style, Woza Africa Arts director Lovemore Moyo said their main objective was to revive culture as well as create awareness on different issues that affect society.

“From the time COVID-19 emerged there are reports of a rise in cases of drug abuse. This has been a worrying factor that has pushed us into joining the multitude of organisations in creating drug awareness campaigns,” Moyo said.

“As an art group which aims at communicating culture to young and old people, we are really touched that many youths have resorted to drug abuse as a way of escaping reality which is mostly inspired by economic failure worsened by the COVID-19 outbreak.”

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The group has moved from focusing on reviving culture and ventured into awareness campaigns to fight drug abuse.

“We have performed in different places and occasions using music, dance, poetry and drama to attract youths and transmit the messages which we hope will also reach the grassroots level.

“Our campaigns also involve raising awareness against prostitution which is also affecting women’s progress. Research has also shown that most young women and girls are now into prostitution,” he said.

He added: “It is disappointing to see young girls dropping out of school to venture into prostitution. Hence, we are saying it’s high time we voice for these young people to be supported so as to curb prostitution.”

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