TOP producer Willard “Slimaz” Magombedze said his popular drama series Tunga, showcased on ZBC-TV on Saturdays, has taken a new outlook due to improved cinematography and costumes in an effort to make it internationally marketable.


“The series is taking a new shape due to its improved cinematography and the Gwaku warriors are now clad in new regalia. We intend to produce a high-quality product which I believe our fans will fall in love with. We now have a very new and professional way of filming and telling the story,” he said.

“Our focus is, however, not just on entertaining local audience, but producing a product that can also be accepted beyond the country’s borders. We are adding 3D elements and special effects, something which I think was never done on Zimbabwe’s television series.”

Magombedze encouraged Tunga’s audience around the country to stay tuned in for the forthcoming episodes and experience the new developments.

“I would like to thank our fans across the nation and also encourage them to stay tuned to ZTV on Saturday and see the drama series’ new outlook,” he said.

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The drama series is centred on a young man who mainly fights for women’s rights and discovers that he is the leader of the most feared warriors, the Gwaku Warriors.