SOUTH Africa-based Zimbabwean filmmaker, Simon Jamukoko's latest drama Dangerous Friend serves as a warning to society about the possibility of betrayal by those closest to them.

The filmmaker told NewsDay Life & Style in an interview that the drama was inspired by real life events whereby people are betrayed by those they love or trust.

"Dangerous Friend centres on a man who, despite his spouse's opposition to disclosing private information, confides in a friend about his financial savings. The friend ultimately, out of greed and envy, hires robbers, which results in murder and other issues," Jamukoko said.

The director further noted that the movie serves as a warning to the public that even those closest to them may have hidden agendas.

"It is important to remember that even our closest friends have the potential to betray us and in doing so, others may lose their lives," he said.

Jamukoko also noted that his aim was to raise awareness among the public, particularly with regard to excessive disclosure of private information.

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The filmmaker also has another project under his belt, Barika Remurombo, a drama that revolved around a low-income polygamous man who struggles to support his wives.