If the world continues to value farmers rights and human rights at the expense of natural or ecosystems rights, we will not be able to combat climate change.
Mechanizing the preservation of tubers and small grains can also go a long way in averting food losses and ensuring nutrition security in most African countries.
As long as private property laws are not revamped, it will remain difficult for African countries to create growth avenues for the young generations.
EVEN when sufficient funding is made available, African countries may fail to feed themselves and produce excess food for export in a consistent manner.
While short-term strategies are ideal for firefighting and dealing with emergencies, real impact can come from long-term planning at national level.
The assumption is that investing in food processing and value addition will lift people out of poverty and create local employment.
Traditional leaders have become another version of land barons. Abusing their roles as custodians of traditional land.
SHRINKAGE in business lingo refers to cases whereby commodities become dry, thin and weak
Bureaucracy in loan processing In countries like Zimbabwe, it takes at least three weeks to a month for a bank loan application to be processed.
These markets operate 24 hours a day for the whole year, supporting millions of African populations as well as horizontal and vertical food and non-food industries.
There was no space for developing an entrepreneurial mindset within Africans among most African economies. 
Food processors often struggle to get raw materials for processing due to fragmented production and distribution systems in several production zones.
By coercing every formal institution to procure food through registered companies, government procurement procedures incentivise some of the most greedy middlemen who reap off farmers.