September is dedicated to raising awareness of various cancers, and prostate cancer, the number one cancer affecting Zimbabwean man is one of them.
WORLDWIDE, about 35 million people are living with HIV and Aids. More than half of these live in sub-Saharan Africa. About half are women.
Research shows that meat cooked at high temperatures releases chemicals that increase the risk of cancer.
Since this waste often contains carcinogens, a high amount of fibre decreases the opportunity for carcinogens to affect intestinal cells.
Because cellphones are usually held near the head when being used, the main concern has been whether they might cause or contribute to tumours in this area including brain
These methods are used to treat cancer, individually or in conjunction with each other in order to produce the best result possible.
Men’s health matters too! Wake up Zimbabwean men, let’s talk prostate cancer.
Heavy consumption of alcohol increases the risk of cancers.
Awareness and screening levels of these priority cancersan are of paramount importance.
By Michelle Madzudzo Jan. 26, 2024
HPV is directly linked to cervical cancer, as persistent HPV infection with high-risk HPV types, especially HPV-16 and HPV-18, can cause cancer over time.