It disheartens to even imagine how the continent hopes to achieve this given the increasing volumes of migration
Despite all these efforts and forums, there is less success and impact, experts assert.
A number of women farmers are positively responding to the vagaries of the changing climate and land rights issues by adopting innovative responses to increasing land degradation.
Analysts note that it is important to share evidence-based research, data, and success stories that demonstrate the positive impact of disability inclusive and management practices.
In the face of community social, health and environmental crises, disability inclusion and management hold immense potential for transforming challenges into opportunities.
At the community level, participatory initiatives involve forming women-led self-help groups or involving women with disabilities in community development projects.
When disasters strike, it is often the most vulnerable who bear the brunt of the devastation, and PWDs are tragically among the most affected.
Despite progress in some regions, the integration of women with disabilities into mainstream systems remains a challenge, as societal attitudes and structural barriers often persist.
One of the key obstacles in addressing the climate crisis is the lack of widespread understanding and engagement, particularly among the youth inclusive of PWDs.
Efforts must be made to improve communication strategies and reach a broader audience.
The cyclone also affected Masvingo and Mashonaland East provinces with Tsholotsho heavily affected in Matabeleland North.
However, even with the most ambitious mitigation efforts, the impacts of climate change are already being felt, and adaptation is essential.
At the heart of this battle lies the urgent need for comprehensive road infrastructure upgrades.