The call by Chimurenga music icon Thomas Mapfumo for the younger generation to take responsibility for political change and positive State development is the way to go. A revolution powered by the youth can destroy Zanu PF.


Youths should not be used as rabid political attack dogs by Zanu PF

Youths of the 1970s were the vanguard of the war that destroyed the Rhodesian racist regime. Some crossed the country’s borders under an extremely difficult environment to take up arms and fight a well-armed white minority regime force. While the majority were collaborators assisting the guerrillas, either as spies or porters. Their combined effort against a well-resourced enemy forced Ian Smith to accept peace talks, which led to our independence. Those were the youths of the 1970s.

Fast forward to 21st Century most of the youth, though educated, lack the courage to square up against a regime that is making them paupers. They make the biggest percentage of the population, but have the “smallest” voice. Today’s youth must wake up from their political slumber and take their rightful place in national affairs. It is because of their political indifference and at times willingness to be used as rabid political attack dogs by Zanu PF that we are now a failed State. They are unaware that political change can move them out of poverty. They should know that they can not all be farmers, so President Robert Mugabe’s disastrous land policy is none of their business. The youths can stop Zanu PF.

Most of the victims of Zanu PF’s destructive policies are the youths. Those most affected by unemployment, poor educational standards, medicine shortages and hunger are the youths. The Ministry of Youths and Indigenisation is responsible for fooling the youths by promises of loans and projects, which have turned out to benefit an elite few, while the rest scavenge for a living. This is what Mapfumo and many others are against. The youth need genuine empowerment through creation of an enabling environment, where each can realise their potential.

During election periods, a small fraction of these youths go about frightening civilians into voting for Zanu PF, maybe after being promised benefits that do not even transform their lives for the better.

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It is the majority of the youth that take the back stage political seats that Mapfumo is appealing to. Those youths who think they are powerless in the face of a “Goliath” regime. By refusing to be intimidated by Zanu PF thugs and voting against Zanu PF en masse the youths can liberate this country. That is the call he made. It is not about going to the bush. Our political struggle continues, but under a different conditions and different enemy. Zanu PF is still behaving like the Rhodesian Front — government practising political patronage. Benefiting a few who are now living like royalty. While the majority live in squalid conditions.

The ball is the youths’ court. If they say “no” to Zanu PF it will not survive.

The youths must either rise and liberate themselves or remain silent and die. With the 2018 general elections beckoning, opposition political leaders must seriously engage and target the youths to vote for them, otherwise Zanu PF will “buy” them and ran away with the vote once again.