Karoi primes for tobacco processing plant

Speaking during a stakeholders meeting recently, tobacco players, government ministries and farmers deliberated on how the town can add value in the tobacco sector.
By Nhau Mangirazi Jul. 16, 2024

Major boost for Silalatshani farmers

But Zinwa spokesperson Marjorie Munyonga dismissed the farmers’ claims.
By Silas Nkala Jun. 3, 2024

Clarion call for enhanced drought adaptation, mitigation measures

The El Niño weather phenomenon has brought a lot of misery to most farmers who rely on rain-fed water.
By Canisio Mudzimu May. 12, 2024

Dairy industry under threat

Chadoka highlighted the association's efforts to make semen available at subsidised rates.
By Gamuchirai Nyamuziwa May. 10, 2024

Beekeeping as a mitigatory measure to El Niño threats

More bee-farmers need to step up to the scene and the existing ones need to adapt their beekeeping methods to sustainable honey production.
By Nyasha Kavhiza Apr. 5, 2024

Transforming agric shows, trade fairs and competitions into genuine knowledge management platforms

In addition to mobilising diversity, agricultural shows should enable building of synergies between actors from different agroecological regions.
By Charles Dhewa Apr. 3, 2024

Farmers slam tobacco buyers over ‘price fix’

Since the start of the marketing season, the top price for premium tobacco has been constant at US$4,99 per kg, while the contract price has been hovering around US$6 per kg.
By Blessed Ndlovu and Melody Chikono Mar. 24, 2024

Another crisis year for Zim

Winter water is being used to try and get something out of planted crops
By Eddie Cross Mar. 8, 2024

‘Maize crop a total write-off’

Swaths of maize crops had wilted, with farmers saying most of the affected crop would not recover even if rains returned.
By Tinashe Kairiza and Tafadzwa Mhlanga Mar. 1, 2024