EMA, partners regenerates degraded land in Shurugwi

The community has to date received more than 5 000 seedlings from the Forestry Commission, which is an implementing partner in DSL-IP.
By Vanessa Gonye Sep. 19, 2024

Residents petition Parly over Warren Park gravel extraction

CHRA condemned the Environmental Management Agency (EMA) for remaining quiet on the matter while taking no action to arrest or fine the companies and individuals
By Lorraine Muromo Sep. 17, 2024

Securocrats, Zanu PF bigwigs in illegal mining

James Mupfumi, director of the Centre for Research and Development (CRD), said riverbed mining has intensified since the ban.
By Freeman Makopa Sep. 6, 2024

‘EMA needs teeth to deal with errant miners’

They said this had resulted in serious environmental harm through improper disposal of harmful chemicals into rivers and the detrimental effects of alluvial mining on riverbanks.
By Blessed Ndlovu Sep. 5, 2024

Firms pollute city streams

In response, the Water Engineering section indicated that companies polluting the streams were known to council and they were facing sanction.
By Silas Nkala Aug. 18, 2024

362 arrested for littering in Harare

Mutungamiri said the campaign included initiatives to promote recycling, with a focus on encouraging people to separate their waste at source.
By Gracious Daniel Aug. 16, 2024

Include natural forests in national development plans

Trees are also being cut down throughout the country's forests, for the production of charcoal which is then resold in various rural and urban markets.
By Kevin Tutani Jul. 19, 2024

Cyanide spillage: Villagers in quandary

EMA has since directed Eureka Gold Mine to put in place necessary pollution abatement measures in the interim and long term.
By Nhau Mangirazi May. 6, 2024

Cyanide spillage scare in Guruve

Sidange said EMA collected water samples for chemical analysis at the Environmental Management Laboratory as part of investigations.
By Own Correspondent Apr. 26, 2024