Chiwenga to officiate at Investment Forum

Vice-President Constantino Chiwenga is expected to officially open the forum, setting the tone for engaging and fruitful discussions.
By Staff Reporter Jul. 26, 2024

Chiwenga not the anointed successor, says Mutsvangwa

He said Mnangagwa was not a Pope, who could appoint his successor and that the ruling party’s constitution did not have such provisions.
By Miriam Mangwaya Jul. 21, 2024

Churches wade into ED succession saga

Former army general and current Vice President Constantino Chiwenga is said to be the front runner to succeed Mnangagwa.
By Kenneth Nyangani Jul. 21, 2024

War vets root for Chiwenga

He claimed that Chiwenga has a clean political record and was not involved in any criminal and corrupt activities.
By Nkululeko Sibanda Jun. 2, 2024

VP Chiwenga’s nursing school shut factionalism gnaws Zanu PF

NewsDay has gathered that the government recently ordered the closure of the school after it was established that its operations were below standard.
By Mirriam Mangwaya May. 20, 2024

Economic woes cast shadow over Harare’s Sadc summit preps

The upcoming summit that Harare will host has a potential for global recognition and strengthening of Africa’s international relations.
By Evans Mathanda May. 17, 2024

Health ministry ‘fixing’ Chiwenga’s mess

“VP Chiwenga is said to have created chaos at the Health ministry and the new guys are trying to fix that,” a source told NewsDay.
By Garikai Tunhira May. 16, 2024

Chivayo divides Zanu PF

They said Mnangagwa’s recent public appearances with the ex-convict had raised eyebrows within government and party leadership.
By Kenneth Nyangani and Sharon Buwerimwe Apr. 29, 2024

Charity begins at home.

Just for argument’s sake: What would happen if government today decides that the only currency it will accept for all its services and all the taxes citizens pay is the ZiG?
By Newsday Apr. 26, 2024