WORKERS at bus manufacturing company AVM Africa, owned by Bindura North Member of Parliament Kenneth Musanhi, yesterday locked in a company official to press management to pay them their salary arrears dating back to September last year. Christopher Mahove

Company secretary Valentine Gambiza was prevented from leaving his office by a group of placard-waving workers demanding their dues.

Other company officials including the human resources manager, Rita, a daughter of  Musanhi, and general manager Chris Sokeri were said to have left the premises in Msasa when the commotion began around mid-morning.

“We have been asking him to call his colleagues (management) so that they explain to us the situation on the ground. Management has not given any indications as to when they will pay us although we know the company is making money,” said one worker, who spoke on condition of anonymity.

He said the workers were worried by the “carefree attitude” exhibited by management, who never bothered to communicate with them since an arbitral award was issued on April 14.

Both Musanhi and Rita were not answering their mobile phones yesterday. National Metal and Allied Industries Workers’ Union of Zimbabwe deputy general-secretary Stephen Dhliwayo said the union had arranged a meeting with management today to discuss the matter.  He said AVM Africa should honour the arbitral award and pay the workers all their outstanding salaries.

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The almost 200 workers were last week given an arbitral award of  $310 071 by arbitrator M Dangwa. But the company has not communicated its plans to start honouring the award.