THE committee tasked with reviewing and amending the Highlanders Football Club constitution to align it with Fifa club licensing requirements has requested to be given until the end of next month to finalise on the draft constitution.


Addressing a poorly-attended mid-season extraordinary meeting at the team’s clubhouse yesterday, chairman of the committee, Elkanah Dube, said the draft document needed meticulous cross-checking before it can be presented to members for endorsement.

“The draft is already here, but the executive committee, the board and our lawyers have to sit down and analyse it. It is a serious process and we have to workshop ourselves. Members will, however, have the final say in terms of endorsement. But we would like to make request to extend the committee’s process to the end of August,” he said.

That request was granted by the generality of the members that attended the meeting, with Cleopas Ngano advising the committee to guard against being compromised by a certain clique of members bent on having the new constitution drafted in their favour ahead of elections slated for early next year.

Another member, Siphatho Ncube, said the members should also be given ample time to peruse the draft constitution after the review committee was done with their process, before the new charter could be adopted.

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After another member of the review committee, Innocent Batsani Ncube, consulted with the chairman and it was resolved that there would be a first reading of the draft constitution on August 27 and a second on a date to be decided before the final day for the draft to be adopted in line with the current constitution.

Article 26.1 of the current constitution reads: “The provisions of this constitution and any other provisions, which the club may bring into effect may be added to, varied, amended, or modified by a resolution of a two thirds majority of the votes of those members in attendance at a general meeting and for which due notice shall be given.”

According to the current constitution, elections for the chairman, treasurer and committee members will be held next year, but plans afoot to have the elections harmonised with a new structure when the new constitution comes into place.