IT’S only seven days before the Zim Nationals Bodybuilding and Fitness Championships showdown and I am going to share with you my typical pre-contest meal guide, supplementation and some of the food I try to avoid for rapid fat loss.

By Tinotenda Ryan C Gumbo

This is meant to help those competing and those of you who want to burn fat.

During my contest-preparation phase, my goal is to shed fat slowly without losing muscle.

Losing fat along with precious muscle is a dead-end street, culminating in a lean, but flat-looking physique.

To appear really hard and super full on stage, I must hold onto all of my muscle with a low level of body fat because that is what will make me look frighteningly hard to beat on stage.

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As for supplements, they can, with no doubt, enhance the package I display on stage and I always stick to my quality Whey Protein, Creatine Monohydrate and L-Glutamine from Musclerage supplements.

You can also throw into the mix a good quality fat burner to help with your fat loss goals.

Combine these basic products with a great nutrition plan and an effective weight training and cardio-vascular programme.

Come contest day, you will be big, full and with razor sharp definition.

Nutrition is simply a “tool”, which I use to get to where I want because contest or fat loss dieting is only as hard as you make it.

Here is a list of some food and replacements you should try to make;

Beverages with high fructose corn syrup or sugar. Replace with: Water.

Sugar-filled cereal. Replace with: Whole Grain Oatmeal.

Rich dairy products. Replace with: Fresh Vegetables

Refined/White Bread/Rice/Pasta. Replace with: Whole Grain Bread, brown rice or sweet potato.

Chips/Crackers and Packaged Sweets. Replace with: fresh or dried Fruit and remember to throw an assortment of fruit into the blender and whip up a healthy fibre-filled smoothie when your sweet tooth starts acting up.

Here is my typical daily meal guide for fat loss while I maintain my muscle mass from three weeks out until I am seven days out.

6am Breakfast (meal 1)

One banana, medium

Oatmeal with whey protein

9 am Snack (meal 2)

1/2 Tbsp. Peanut butter or avocado

6 boiled egg whites

12 noon Lunch (meal 3)

Sweet potato or 1/2 cup cooked brown rice

Chicken/white meat

3 pm Snack (meal 4)

One apple

Garden salad w/tomato & onion

Six boiled egg whites

5pm Dinner (meal 5)

1/2 cup cooked broccoli, no salt

Boiled chicken/fish

7pm Evening Snack (meal 6)


Six egg whites

Whey protein

Next week in this column, I am going to share with you how to calculate your body fat, how to measure your calories and why it’s important.

For more information on diet tips, workout programs for muscle building and fat loss, supplementation plus requests on topics you want me to cover in this column, please contact me on:

+263 774 151 310,

Facebook @ Tinotenda Ryan C Gumbo,

Instagram @tinotendaryangumbo,

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