The Zimbabwe Netball Association (ZNA) says four local clubs have been invited to represent the country in a netball tournament in Zanzibar from January 6-12.

Reigning national champions Railstars, runners-up Nehanda Nyakasikana, Zimbabwe Defence Forces and Tenax have been given the go-ahead by the national association to take part at the Chama cha Revolution Netball Cup.

The quartet were selected to take part at the tournament which will feature six national teams by virtue of finishing as the top four teams in the league.

ZNA president Leticia Chipandu told NewsDay Sport yesterday: “We could not send the national team to represent the country because we have no sponsorship.

We have therefore asked the teams that finished in the top four in the league to go and represent us if they can source the sponsorship. We expect them to respond by tomorrow (today).”

Some countries expected to participate in the tournament include Kenya, Zambia, Mozambique, Uganda and the hosts Zanzibar.

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Chipandu said it was important for the country’s netball teams to compete against teams from other countries as it could help improve the level of the game.

“Our netball teams need exposure. It would be very good for the teams to take part in the tournament to test their strength against other squads,” she said.

Railstars secretary-general Kathazile Kulube said they were looking forward to representing the country provided they got sponsorship.

“We have started training in preparation for the tournament. We hope we will source the sponsorship for us to go. This is the chance where players can be spotted by coaches from different teams if they perform well,” she said.

“The sport has, however, been dogged by financial constraints mainly because sponsors are shunning coming on board to finance the league.