Former Kaizer Chiefs striker Khama Billiat is facing a legal tussle with the owners of his house in Midrand who want to evict the soccer star’s close relatives who reside on the premises due to the footballer’s alleged failure to keep up with the payment of the bond agreement.   City Press has learnt through the office of the sheriff that an entity known as Emerging Markets Home Loans has applied to the Pretoria High Court for an eviction order against five occupants, who have stayed in the house since Billiat’s departure to join Zimbabwean outfit Yadah Stars.   The financial institution filed a notice of motion on 5 May, citing that the occupants were unlawfully living at the premises, even though the house was allegedly due to be auctioned in June.   “The information is that the player has not been paying monthly installments for the house, prompting the finance service provider to put the house on auction in an attempt to recoup R1.7 million loan,” said the sheriff who asked not to be identified.