UNITED KINGDOM-BASED Zimbabwean Afro-pop artiste Tapfuma Charles Katedza, also known as Charlie Kay, has roped in songstress Ammara Brown in a track titled Campaign, which was released recently.


The Ndokuda Wakadaro hitmaker told NewsDay Life & Style from his base that the song tells of the chemistry between Romeo and Juliet which leads one to do anything for the sake of love.

“Campaign is a song for love most definitely. The whole story behind it all captures the whole chemistry of that Romeo and Juliet fight and will do anything for your kind of love,” he said.

He said the duet was a dream come true after having expressed his desire to work with Ammara two years ago.

“When I first met Ammara, I remember telling her that one day she will have no choice, but to work with me. I’m a huge believer in timing and it was only a few months ago, due to busy schedules that we actually managed to record the track,” he said.

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He said his desire was to use music to tell the Zimbabwean story through music on the international scene.

“I’m exporting my music to the international scene via my Zimbabwe and African people. There is so much that the world doesn’t know about us and I hope to play my part in being a voice for Zimbabwe and Africa through my music,” he added.

He said his music was a mirror image of his life experiences and Campaign came from the heart.

Charlie Kay has done several collaborations with local artistes, including Gemma Griffiths and Nox Guni.

Born in Zimbabwe, he moved to the UK together with his family at the age 17 and has had a passion for music since childhood.