IN this day and age, it is quite bloodcurdling that Zanu PF, which has been in power since independence in 1980, has decided to scare and bulldoze all opposition out of the political arena and effectively close up all the democratic space.

NewsDay Comment

What is currently happening will effectively scuttle all chances of the troubled southern African nation ever being readmitted back into the international community of nations. And Zanu PF does not seem to care.

Last week, opposition MPs were chucked out of their hotel rooms to make way for the ruling party delegates who were gathering for their 18th annual people’s conference in Goromonzi.

The incident not only showed how Zanu PF is so archaic in its way of thinking; it also speaks to why this country is having the problems it is currently experiencing.

During the few days that the party met, transport became a nightmare because all the Zupco buses were hijacked by the ruling party at a time fuel was in short supply. Available commuter transport was charging fares which were just way beyond the reach of many workers. Kombia to places such as Norton asking for nearly $40 a single trip.

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Honestly, why should a whole country grind to a halt because Zanu PF is having a conference? Regarding the opposition MPs’ plight, does it mean that the people in Zanu PF are the only ones who matter in this country?

This must be the only country on the planet where everything stops when the ruling party goes for a meeting. This also goes to show that Zanu PF does not care about the state of the nation, which is currently being weighed down by general hunger and poor productivity.

Surely, the party cannot close hotels to all those who oppose it as well as grab all State-owned buses and leave the workers, who are struggling to shore up the battered economy, to suffer due to lack of transport to get them to and from work?

To even imagine that the ruling party is actually, through its archaic command politics, determined to turn this country into a one-party State is horrifying. The other day the party was celebrating that small fringe political parties were joining its rank and file.

It boggles the mind why the party is so crass not to see the value of the opposition, which is to basically help it correct its mistakes. As it is, the ruling party has been blundering for the past 40 years simply because it does not see the value in having a vibrant opposition to its rule. Sad!