AWARD-WINING journalist, Hopewell Chin’ono  has taken to music to amplify his voice on government corruption which he says has impoverished citizens and exposed many to COVID-19.

Chin’ono, one of the prominent critics of corruption and human rights abuses, asserts that the vices are flourishing under President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s administration.

On Sunday, a few days, after his release from remand prison for allegedly communicating falsehoods, the scribe took to micro blogging site Twitter to release an amateur video of a song he titled Dem Loot. The song denounces corruption at higher levels of government.

Dem Loot has taken Zimbabwe’s digital space by storm with several versions of the song under the banner #dem loot challenge now released.

Within 24 hours of its release, the song reached a historic 112 000 views on Twitter and has been shared globally.

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“Find me a good music producer, we must sing against looters and sing them out of town,” said Chin’ono on Twitter.

Zimbabwe is ranked among one of the most corrupt countries globally according to latest statistics.

In the song with a ragga beat and samples of Diana King, Chin’ono said hospitals were dilapidated and without medication, roads and infrastructure collapsing while the political elite continue to loot public funds.

He also accused political leaders of being senseless and purposeless only keen on lining their pockets on the sweat of struggling citizens.

“Dem Loot,” “Dem Loot,” “Dem Loot,” hospitals no medication “Dem Loot,” “Dem Loot,” “Dem Loot,” “Dem Loot,” ghetto yuts no jobs you know “Dem Loot,” “Dem Loot,” “Dem Loot,” “Dem Loot,” no water to drink in townships “Dem Loot,” “Dem Loot,” “Dem Loot,” “Dem Loot,” they have no sense of purpose “Dem Loot,” “Dem Loot,” “Dem Loot,” “Dem Loot,” the elderly dying without medication, “Dem Loot,” “Dem Loot,” “Dem Loot.”

Chin’ono was one of the journalists who were instrumental in exposing the US$60 million Drax Pvt Ltd COVID-19 scandal that led to the arrest of Delish Nguwaya, a close ally of the First Family.

The scandal also led to the arrest and sacking of then Health minister Obadiah Moyo.

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