A disgruntled MDC – T activist has taken party national organising secretary Nelson Chamisa, national chairperson Lovemore Moyo and Harare Province chairperson Paul Madzore to court, seeking to nullify the election of the Harare provincial executive held early this year.

Mabvuku District Ward 20 chairperson Boniface Yotamu recently filed an application in the High Court to declare the elections null and void. The provincial elections were conducted by Madzore in Mabvuku, Harare East, Mufakose and Hatfield.

In his founding affidavit, Yotamu alleges Madzore, in his capacity as provincial organising secretary from the previous committee, did not follow the party’s constitution in holding elections for the districts.

He claimes in his court application, case no 7234/11 filed at the High Court on July 26, district elections were only held after provincial polls instead of vice-versa, as prescribed by their party’s constitution.

“Third respondent (Madzore) did not follow the requirements of the constitution and the guiding document in conducting elections for Mabvuku, Harare East, Mufakose and Hatfield districts,” said Yotamu in an affidavit.

“These elections were not held prior to the provincial elections as required, but after the provincial elections. Such a procedure is flawed with irregularities in that it affected me because it meant I was automatically banned and ineligible to contest any provincial executive committee position. I was an aspiring candidate and the actions by the 3rd respondent had greatly affected my aspirations.

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“It is my averment that the 4th respondent (Harare Province Executive Committee) is in office due to the calculations by the 3rd respondent who did not follow religiously the regulations governing the MDC structure of elections.”

Yotamu alleged since Madzore was in charge of elections, he deliberately with mischief, postponed elections in three districts, which threatened his aspirations to be a provincial chairperson.

“Simply translated, it means that Mabvuku, Harare East and Mufakose districts were excluded technically from voting or fielding eligible candidates and that included myself.

Thus, the election of the provincial executive committee did not involve all districts that were supposed to participate and thus must be declared null and void,” said Yotamu, adding 144 members who were supposed to vote, were excluded.