ABOUT 100 Zanu PF youths today raided and burned the shrine of controversial Johane Masowe weChishanu leader Madzibaba Ishamel Mufani on the outskirts of Budiriro suburb, Harare, and destroyed all fabrics and clay pots they found on the site, in apparent retaliation for the violent attack on nine police officers and journalists by the sect members last Friday.

Report by Moses Matenga and Charles Laiton Photos by Aaron Ufumeli

Zanu PF youths in Budiriro march to Madzibaba Ishmael’s shrine.
Zanu PF youths as they were marching towards Madzibaba Ishmael’s shrine.
Regalia belonging to some of the vapostori members being burnt.
A Zanu PF youth-burns some of the robes after they were left on the shrine.
Message to Madzibaba….

More details to follow.