BY JONAH NYONI THERE are different beliefs as to what makes people successful. Some believe that success is given from above. Some are of the thought that if you work hard enough you become what you want.

Different factors lead to success. However, the most important factor is to follow life’s principles. If a principle is not followed, it becomes hard to be truly successful. Life is governed and controlled by principles.

The best life is when you have control over your time, and the ability to make choices relevant to a given time (or season) of what you want in life.

Our stay here on earth is so short, it is only when you are about to die that you might realise that you did not fully enjoy it.

Most people are controlled by external circumstances, while they should be controlled by what was given to them (which include but not limited to purpose, potential and aligning to principles that govern us).

Some people can only be happy if something from outside tickles them. These are mainly the people who always blame everything and not themselves around them for their failure.

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Write your own script and select yourself to be the main actor. Otherwise, you will forever be acting in other people’s scripts.

At times you won’t even fully understand what their script means and its real purpose. You deserve better! You deserve more! You deserve an epic life! Nothing less nothing more!

I have since discovered that even money cannot fully make us happy. Money is a great tool (also governed by principles such as giving) to help us buy what we do not have in life. It is a tool we can use to buy time.

It’s a tool that we must master. We should not work for money, but money should work for us. Money either magnifies the good that we already have or it magnifies the negative traits we have.

You might have seen people die because of drugs or alcohol, its money used wrongly. There was a time such people thought that they were enjoying life, while in true reality they were shortening their life.

Dig the minefield of purpose A life without regrets is when you live your true purpose. You don’t need to bump and huff into life. What is the purpose? Simply, it is the reason why something was created. It’s the true essence behind existence.

Living in your true purpose makes you fully function in your true calling. Your purpose makes you the first best. It is a true purpose that makes you realise and cherish the reason that you are great in yourself. It eliminates all the unnecessary competition we see every day.

When you know your purpose, you esteem your uniqueness. It’s only on purpose that you live a true legacy. A bird flies, but did not go to school to learn to fly. A fish swims, and that is its natural place of operation.

It will be a misnomer to make a bird bark, it’s not what it is wired for, so is man. Human beings should know what they are created to do.

True fulfilment is in purpose People have few things that fulfil them, but they go out to hunt for many things that frustrate them. What brings simplicity and fulfilment in your life?

Some people are always trying everything to survive, but they get nothing from their efforts. When living by our purpose after doing a thing there is something which says: Yes, that’s it! I have made it.

There is that inexplicable feeling that makes you smile every time you are alone. It’s that great soothing and settling feeling inside that makes you dance even though there is no one watching. At times the very simple you despise is what makes your life.

When you don’t know its purpose, you will abuse Ignorance on the functions of anything leads to failure through under-use or abuse of it.

Others abuse and misuse a gadget, thereby shortening its life span. That is what happens in most people’ lives.

Most of the self-abuse we see around is because there is a lack of understanding of purpose.

Be in the flow Purpose makes you to be in harmony or to be in the flow with the cosmic set-up or with God’s creation. If I don’t walk my track, I disturb those who are in the same race. A purpose driven life lessens confusion and conflicts.

Everything is hidden in its purpose True happiness and resources are found in our purpose. Some think it is found in having wads of cash. Some think in having sex. Some think it is in the drugs or alcohol, but it’s all found in the purpose.

Did you know that no one is born poor? Jonah, what are you saying? We are not born poor, but in poor settings or poor environments.

We can never be great by working hard. I have seen people who sweat day and night, but they are still poor. We become great by working wisely, working for our purpose.

It doesn’t matter how big your muscles bulge because of hard labour, what brings greatness is working in your purpose.

Restore to factory settings

When a computer or cellphone is not working well, we at times restore to factory settings. This makes it work normally and effectively.

For some people, they have to start all over again and start working from a point of purpose. The start of a great life is to walk in your purpose. Start now!

How would it feel if it was your last breath and someone came to you and said: “You were acting in the wrong script!”

Then they hand you the right script you should have acted in? How could it feel to discover that if you had acted the right script you would have earned billions?

That’s a wasted life! How would you feel to discover that there were millions of people glued waiting to see you on a big screen, but as the main actor, you were nowhere to be found?