American industrialist Henry Ford, the founder of Ford Motors, once said: “A poor man is not the one without a cent. It is the one without a dream. If you think you can do it or think you can’t do a thing, you are right. Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently.”

Motivation: STEVE NYAMBE

Thus don’t be a person who is always ready to accept life as it comes. No! Be an initiator. A hungry, fighting lion.

As usual the purpose of this column is to recharge your mind. To fire you up. To ignite your engine as you start a new week.

This is achieved through continued re-engineering and re-installing of powerful mental tonic software which can help you be a self-reliant goal getter.

A true goal getter who is a highly motivated life candidate. One whose future purpose is more important than his current perilous times.

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Shut your mouth and start!

You can start where you are. Bit by bit you will surely make it. Never worry about your initial slow progress. Sometimes it may not be the speed that matters, but your progress and direction.

Always remember not to be quick to climb your ladder before you check if it’s leaning in the right direction. Lest you invest all your money, effort and time in an unrewarding venture. Thus be wise always in your dealings like the mother eagle.

You are gifted beyond measure. So don’t evaluate yourself with your current yardstick. No!

When tides seem to be destroying others, in your case it must be different, you can not permit them to do so. You must just use the same storms to soar greater heights. These storms must drive you higher to your safe zone, which is your desired destination.

No matter how small it might seem today. Don’t mind.

The huge corporate ventures you see now did not start big as they are today. They just started small. No one ever gave them a chance to succeed. No one believed that they will one day transform into success stories. It is always like that in life.

Flooded rivers can always be crossed

It must be always accepted that no one knows how greatly gifted you are except yourself. So negative comments from people must never detour your vision.

The fact that your business is small today is enough evidence to you to prove that there is a empty greatness space to be filled ahead. You can be bigger; bigger than any person can imagine. People’s negative perceptions must not be traded for reality. No!

Nothing is impossible. For everything there is a season.

Ever heard the story of a mere Sari-sari store vendor who later became a “shopping mall king” in Asia? Yes that’s how Henry Sy a man behind the glittering success of Shoe Mart began.

Henry Sy was born in 1923 in Xiamen, China. He was fortunate enough to be introduced to retail business early despite his poor upbringing. He has been the world’s richest Chinese-Filipino for a decade now with a networth of $17,9 billion according to Forbes.

In his early years his family moved to Philippines. There his enterprising father opened a small variety shop in Manila.

“Life was hard with nowhere to sleep, the young man had to sleep inside the store,” narrated one author.

The negative start of inspiring greatness

Unfortunately World War two later destroyed that little shop to the sorrow of his father. Instead of giving up Sy pushed through earning income via buying and selling shoes from his customers.

When one door closes there is always one bigger one that’s ready to open. Don’t tire. Be vigilant like a real warrior.

“Put your heart, mind and soul into your smallest acts. This is the secret to success. The harder the struggle, the more glorious the triumph. Self realisation demands very great struggles,” once articulated Swami Sivanada.

Why? Because struggles are your strengthening companion. Enjoy them.

Sy’s little project then inspired him to open up a small shoe store in Quiapo in 1958. He named it Shoe Mart. Fourteen years later Sy transformed his small store into his first standalone department store.

Always bear in mind that dynamites are always in small packages. Too small to an extent that many might not realise that in them hides great strength.

Today he is the richest man in Philippines with a networth of $17,9 billion. A number of his stores are in the top 25 of the world biggest malls in the world. The department store has managed to spread its wings from Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao.

Shoe Mart is a fully-fledged chain of shopping malls in Philippines which offers very good restaurant services and shopping options.

Today in Philippine Sy is known as “the visionary of Philippines because of his innovations in the industry”.

Remember that all the people who accomplished great things were in no way different from you. There were just like you in everything. It can be done. Be blessed.

 Steve Nyambe is a motivational speaker and leadership coach. He can be contacted on +263 784 583 761 or his email: