WHAT you pursue will ultimately pursue you. The results you have in life are mainly driven by what drives your mind and what you chose to focus on.


There are moments we feel completely out of control. Yes, there are moments like that, but you must be found guilty by not doing what’s within your power.

Greatness is created by individuals that have the inner will, resilience and the gut. The mind plays a crucial role.

In the book, Inspiration for Success, I say: “Your mind has to see more than your eyes. Build vividly the future you want in your imagination. Derive your lessons from your past but do not stay or be stuck in it. Work fervently on your inner conviction.”

The law of the sub-conscious mind

Keep Reading

What affects your life mainly is your mental programming. Programming leads to a particular belief system. It is your belief system which then says it’s possible, or impossible.

The tuning of your belief systems controls your attitude. Your attitude then determines how you feel.

Your feeling leads to particular actions, which then lead to specific results in your life.

“You are completely responsible for everything you are today, for everything you think, say and do, and for everything you become from this moment forward. Refuse to make excuses or blaming others. Instead, make progress toward your goals everyday” Cythia Hakutangwi a columnist, says.

We are mainly self-made

Most of the success or failures are self-made. Most people don’t agree to that, but the successful will tell you that it is true. Success is all in the mind. Decide to design your own life and start acting on that now!

Doing small things greatly

Did you know that the greatest step you can take today is not as big as most people think?

One writer once said: “You become great by doing small things in a great way”. Follow a routine persistently. This could be reading quality books for 30 minutes per day, and most people don’t do that.

Have a quiet time of meditation or prayer to relax and rejuvenate your mind. Memorise a good quotation a week. These small daily activities yield greater results.

The law of the compounded effort

The law of compounded effort will tell you that you are a sum total of your small daily actions. If that is true with failure it is also true with success.

Right away, at the click of your finger, your life can change as long as you want it to.

Basically, there are two groups of people as we focus on their success.

Number one: Those with an external locus

These think that their life is controlled by external factors. They think that what they do is controlled by other people, such as their parents, politicians or leaders.

Yes, these people might have influence, but you have total control. Such people have greater stress, since they think they are helpless.

These are the people that blame their bosses for their current earnings. They think someone or something out there is sabotaging their success.

Number two: Those with an internal locus

These feel they are the architects of their own destinies. They have control of their life, destiny and results. They feel they are behind the wheels of their own life.

These have less stress since they reach their internal forces for solutions. Brian Tracy once said, “Life is not so much of what happens ‘to’ us, but what happens ‘in’ us.”

The best life to spend is on number two. You can shift from blaming external forces into focusing on your personal potential. To get started, I want you to have a note book and answer to the following question:

What is my personal vision? (this will determine your focus;

What am I going to do differently? (this will change your results);

What is my standard for life? (this will change your focus/ challenge your limiting beliefs);

Who is in my inner circle? (this will determine people that surround you);

Who are my mentors? (this will avail accountability partners);

What is my daily growth programme? (this will affect your daily mental/ emotional growth);

What is my one-year plan? (this will determine your short-term plans);

What is my five-year plan? (this will determine your mid-term plan);

What is my 10-year plan? (this will shape your long term plan);

What is motive? (this will give you the reason for life)

These simple steps will help you with what you focus on, what you spend your energy and resources on, who you associate with and to identify mentors or coaches who will help you attain your dreams.

Parting point: Earl Nightingale in his book Lead The Field, wrote: “Success or failure as a human being is not a matter of luck, or circumstances, or fate, or the breaks, or who you know — or any other tiresome, old myths and clichés by which the ignorant tend to excuse themselves. It’s a matter of following a commonsense paradigm of rules — guidelines anyone can follow.”

lJonah Nyoni is an author, success coach and certified leadership/business trainer. He is the author of Inspiration for Success and Success Within Reach. Contact details: Tel: 0772 581 918. Email: jonah@classicmail.co.za. Twitter@jonahnyoni.