It is always recommendable that when you want to fix something, you make reference to its beginning or origin.

By Kilton Moyo

Marital relationships are giving a lot of people challenges these days and what can help us is to go back and observe the law of first mention.

Right in the beginning, God said something profound about these relationships and understanding them in any way different from this is to torture ourselves.

At creation of humankind, the first human relationship God created was a marital one. There was a specific reason and instruction for this.

And the Lord God said: “It is not good that man should be alone; I will make him a helper comparable to him.” Genesis 2:18.

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It was at this point that God then created a woman, as a helper to the man and comparable or suitable to the man.

My focus today is to show you that it is not the woman who needs a man but it is the man who needs a woman. You see, the world has corrupted God’s creation and purpose of things and caused a lot of pandemonium in human relationships.

One reason why marriages suffer all these things is this twisting of the truth. The world teaches and grooms women understanding that they are the ones in need of men. They are made to believe that without men, they are nothing and they can only depend on men for anything in life.

They are made to believe they are inferior to man. You see in the world women all over the show going out of their way to please or attract men. You see women going all the way to demean womanhood chasing after men. They have been turned into objects of quenching men’s lust, completely missing the purpose of their creation.

On the other hand, men have been also taught a lie that they can do without women and it is women who need them. What a lie from the pit of hell. Men have been taught to abuse the very thing that was meant to help him to be who he is supposed to be.

Without a women, called a wife, man is not in a good stead. It is not good for a man to be alone. God never said it is not good for a woman to be alone.

It is the man who needed help according to God and to make man, a helper suitable for him, God made a woman. Nothing can help you as a man better than your woman.

Money will destroy you, things will destroy you. You are not in a good position without that Helper. Every many has his own helper suitable for him. It is the duty of the man, therefore, to look for the helper. He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favour from the Lord.

In other words, a woman can stay without a man as long as she wants and has not been found and have no problem with it.

But at a given stage, a man needs a helper. You cannot journey through this life as a man without a helper.

Let me put it this way that anyone helping you in your assignment of life means that they have an ability that you do not have. They have a competence you do not have.

It also means they see the thing better than you do. It might also mean they have more experience and expertise than you.

It might mean they have more wisdom than you. It also means they give you more than you give yourself. They complement you.

A woman is designed to help a man in this life. A man without a helper in this life is not only untidy but without direction.

It is the man who needs help.

You are wondering why I am saying this. The confusion in marriage is largely due to twisting this truth of marital relationships.

Men pretend as if they do not need women and women are the ones who need help. It is a lie. Men need women. Men, according to creation, need help from a suitable helper called a woman.

I want women to understand that the truth of the matter is that they are helpers and not beggars. They are designed to help one man somewhere and not all men.

Their help is not sexual help only like the world thinks. Men need complete and holistic help from women. It is a lie from Satan that as women, you just give men sex.

That is not the purpose of your creation. You serve a bigger purpose than sex. You are not sex objects. You give life and direction to men. Do not be ignorant of this truth.

On your own my brothers out there you are not in a good shape. It does not matter what the world teaches you, you need a helper and she is a woman, one woman. You do not just need sex, you need total help and only your woman can render such.

Let us swallow our pride as men and go back to the basis if we are going to benefit from marriage what God intended.

It is men who need women and not the other way round.

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Kilton Moyo is creator of Fruitful Marriages, a renewal and enrichment program and is pastor, counselor and author of Marriage Fitness. Call or whatsap on +263 775 337 207, +263 772 610 103