A FAILED State is a result of failed leadership. Leadership is everything needed for any State, company or institution to progress in a positive direction. When leaders learn to lead, they build a better future for others and the next generation.

The biggest problem with Mother Africa is mainly leadership, relevance and adaptability. Many African leaders are the problem in themselves. Lets zero in on things that show or cause you to be a failed leader.

Toxic failures

Negative leaders grow negative followers. There are some workspaces that are toxic. This starts with a toxic leader. It’s the top-down effect. A toxic place has people who are hurt, harbouring grudges and unresolved conflicts. A failed leader does not have the emotional intelligence or soft skills to heal a toxic environment.

Smiling failures

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Failed leaders might not be bad leaders after all, but could be people who want to please everyone in an organisation. Leaders must be strict and stern individuals, yet soft so as to avoid being despots or autocrats. The moment the leader overlooks results and wants to be a people pleaser, he is in the wrong direction. Most organisations are failing while their leaders watch with a wide smile.

Silent failures

Communication connects all parts of an organisation and as such, the leader must learn to be an effective communicator. Communicate your vision and aspirations. Communication is not only saying things out, but also learning to listen. Don’t listen because you want to answer, but listen because you want to understand and add to the bank of your knowledge and to the growth of an organisation.

Blind failures

It is commonly said, where there is no vision, the people perish. Leaders without a vision are like a ship without a radar. People lose a sense of direction. This is what most presidents fail on. They might be effective on managing what’s already there, but they can’t lead people to better territories.

Clever failures

Leaders must be learners. When you know it all, you close yourself out of the opportunity to learn. This is a problem mainly found among leaders who practice positional leadership because they want to protect their position. So, learning from others comes across to them as a threat to their position. To be a wiser leader, you must be an avid learner. Arie De Geus once said: “The ability to learn faster than your competitor may be the only sustainable competitive advantage.”

Stubborn failures

In failed politics, that’s mainly where we find leaders that don’t want to be challenged. That’s why the word “opposition” is very popular. So, when they are challenged, they try at all costs, to suppress the one challenges them.

Frozen failures

The biggest problem for many organisation is that they have not changed or progressed. Every organisation’s growth shows the growth of its leaders. Leaders must love change. They must propel individuals to accept change. If a leader is afraid of change, he might be caught on the blind side of stagnancy.

Untrustworthy failures

When the leader is not trusted by followers, there is a big problem. Where does trust start? It starts when the leader is genuinely interested in people. As a leader, when you don’t care about people, they won’t trust you. Instead, they will fear you. Trust is built over time. Be interested in people you lead, grow them, delegate power to them, and give them responsibilities.

Incompetent failures

Grapevine usually has more information on leadership in any set up or company. Most people have no confidence in their leaders. Usually, competence breeds confidence.

Power clinging failures

The reason you might not be delegating roles to others is that you have not empowered then enough to lead. The major purpose of a leader is to grow others into leadership. Some leaders don’t delegate, because they feel others won’t do it well. Develop other people so that they are able to do what you are able to, and even more.

Non-achieving failures

When set goals are not achieved or exceeded, the leader would have failed. This is the easy way to see if the leader has failed.