Whether you’re an avid marijuana user or someone who’s just dipping their toes into the water, chances are that you’ve heard of one of the most popular cannabinoids besides tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), and that’s cannabidiol (CBD). Still, while many in the United States are familiar with this hemp derivative, few may know the difference between CBD and THC. Are you looking to learn more about these two main staples in the cannabis industry? If so, let’s examine them more closely to help you better understand how they’re similar and how they differ.

How are marijuana and CBD the same?

CBD and THC are both derivatives of the hemp plant, with hemp flowers containing both of these cannabinoids. Certain processes can be used to extract these compounds and apply them to a wide variety of products including edibles, oils or tinctures, and vapes. Put simply, CBD and THC are both found within the hemp plant. Whether you’re taking a CBD oil or smoking cannabis, you’re getting a bit of both of these substances in each (although the former can only legally have very trace amounts of tetrahydrocannabinol).

If you’re looking to learn more about these two cannabinoids, you can turn to an authoritative resource like American Marijuana. They cover the basics about THC and CBD, provide you with in-depth product reviews that you can use to find your favorite hemp-based products, and dive deeper into the marijuana industry as a whole. When you’re interested in these types of products, education is necessary!

Understanding the key differences between the two substances.

The one major difference between CBD and THC is that CBD is not intoxicating. When you smoke marijuana, you will experience a psychoactive high that’s attributed to the plant and all related products. CBD products, however, don’t produce a psychoactive effect. Actually, CBD products are said only to offer similar benefits to THC but without the high. If you’re someone who doesn’t like cannabis because of the high it produces, looking deeper into other cannabinoids that are being sold on the market today may help you receive the types of effects you’re looking for without the high. Just make sure that you do your research and speak to a doctor before taking any substance to better understand how it may impact you.

The legality of marijuana and CBD products in the U.S.

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Beyond the effects that one will receive when they take these two substances, there is another difference worth mentioning. The legality of THC and CBD are very different, even though they’re derived from the same plant. It’s important to remember that marijuana is still illegal at the federal level, even though many states have approved marijuana use for both medical use and recreational use. However, unlike marijuana, CBD is legal according to federal law due to something known as the 2018 Farm Bill. As long as CBD only contains trace amounts of THC, it’s legal to sell across the nation. That being said, new cannabinoids like delta-8 THC are flooding the market and offer a very similar experience to delta-9 THC (the main compound in cannabis).

Regardless of what you plan on taking, check with your state to make sure that it’s legal. You should also speak with your doctor about substances like CBD to learn more about whether or not they’re right for you (as well as any potential risks or medicine interactions).

So, what is the difference between THC and CBD? In short, the former is known to produce psychoactive effects and is only legal in certain states while the latter is legal nationwide and produces no psychoactive effects when taken. Now that you have a better understanding of what these two compounds are, you can feel a bit more confident when approaching them for recreational use or beyond.