Let me sum up the study of Jesus warnings against leaven. In Mark 8:15, Jesus warns: And he charged them, saying, Take heed, beware of the leaven of the Pharisees, and of the leaven of Herod. Herod represents the political arena. Let me state some basic facts first.

Politicians are as human as anybody else created by God with rights and liberties. They can be Christians or non-Christians. Globally there are so many of them that are born-again Christians and go to church to worship their God and maker.

In our churches there are people of diverse political opinion; republicans, democrats, liberals or in Zimbabwe, MDC formations, Zanu PF, Mavambo/Kusile/Dawn and others. In Zimbabwe and many other nations, it is a constitutional right to belong to a political party of ones choice. One also has freedom to worship where and whom they want.

If we say Herod represents politics and Jesus warns us to take heed of Herod and we say everyone has a right to political opinion and a place of worship, what then are we saying? Let us look at Jesuss first encounter with Herod.

Matthew 2 records that Jesus was born during the time of Herod the king. Coming from the east, wise men went to Jerusalem to seek Jesus so they could worship Him and offer Him gifts. The wise always go to worship Jesus and they also offer Him gifts.

When Herod and the religious establishment heard the news of Jesus birth they were perturbed. Matthew 2:3 reads: When Herod the king had heard these things, he was troubled, and all Jerusalem with him. Jesus was announced as King of the Jews and Herod felt that his power was under threat.

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However, Jesus kingdom is of spiritual essence as He says in John 18:36; Jesus answered, My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews, but now is my kingdom not from hence.

In Matthew 2:8, Herod also wishes to go to church: And he sent them to Bethlehem, and said, Go and search diligently for the young child; and when ye have found him, bring me word again, that I may come and worship him also. As you know Herods purpose was not to worship but to kill Jesus and Jesus had to flee to Egypt.

We read further that Herod finally killed all children two years and younger. Let us make it plain here. As already mentioned, politicians are allowed and have the right to go to church in their personal and individual capacities.

However, when politics of politicians go to church, the reason is to kill Jesus. There are churches that have been persecuted for not giving platform to politicians to campaign. Let us be blunt here.

Politicians have the podium at rallies to use for political campaigns. Business executives and captains of industry have the boardroom and bulletins and various media channels to advertise their products and services.

The pulpit/altar and the church is for Jesus to speak to His people ranging from politicians of all parties, captains of industry, business executives, widows/widowers, orphans and destitute, murderers and all kinds of people.

If politics is brought to the church, Jesus will flee to Egypt. Is Jesus still in your church? The leaven of Herod is a spirit of assassination of the anointing and every form and way of the manifestation of Jesus and everything to do with salvation.

Everytime you see the Herodians they are looking for a way to pin down Jesus.

Herod was handy to authorise the death of John the Baptist. Jesus tells us the purpose of the church in Matthew 21:13: And said unto them, It is written, My house shall be called the house of prayer; but ye have made it a den of thieves.

The church is a house of prayer not a religious arm of a political party. The church is a healing place for all people preaching peace, love and reconciliation without political bias.

Isnt it ironic to see the church dividing people along political opinion yet political parties are working together in Parliament and the government? Jesus has great zeal for His Fathers house; dont anger Him.

Jesus does not even allow the church to be turned into a flea market. John 2:15 Amplified Bible reads:

And having made a lash (a whip) of cords, He drove them all out of the temple (enclosure) both the sheep and the oxen spilling and scattering the brokers money and upsetting and tossing around their trays (their stands). When Herod comes to church, Jesus leaves. Be warned, you are going somewhere.

All Scripture quotations are from the King James Version of the Bible.

Feedback: pastor@newgatechapel.org. Follow Pastor Makarimayi on www.Twitter/PEMAKARIMAYI and Facebook