If anyone went to war or participated in our liberation struggle in order to dictate who will rule or not rule Zimbabwe, then they wasted their time. They will have toiled for the wrong reason.

It matters not whether such person suffered protracted detention, imprisonment or was in the armed struggle . . . no!

I am not saying I don’t appreciate the role they played, but simply stressing a point.

You do not come back here and tell us or dictate to us who will rule or not rule Zimbabwe.

That prerogative is not yours, but for Zimbabweans and Zimbabweans alone!

I think the time has come for us to be honest with each other and tell it like it is. We cannot continue to palliate and mollycoddle each other to the detriment of our nationhood and democracy for which so many paid the highest price.

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There is hardly a family in Zimbabwe that didn’t, in one way or another, contribute towards the liberation of this country and it’s about time this fallacy that only the guys that are now making incoherent noises about who will, or will not rule, contributed to the liberation of this country.

The struggle for our liberation started right at the inception of settler invasion and continued right through to independence.

Many contributed and many died along the way, in the process.

I appreciate the role played by the guys making these noises now, but they have to be disabused of the notion that they, and only they, liberated this country, because it’s just not true.

It’s time for a reality check! You may bring a bit of sunshine, guys, but you don’t make the day! It’s time to stop this recalcitrant and truculent nonsense!

This country is less about you and your ivory towers, insatiable hunger for power and plunder, and delusions of grandeur, and more about that man in the gutter; the youth who cannot get employment; that family that will face another day without knowing where the next meal will come from; the sick who will die because they cannot afford the medical costs; that child in Murambinda who herds cattle because the parents cannot afford to pay school fees; the mother who gives birth in a smoky country hut because she has no access to healthcare; the children who slave in foreign lands because Zimbabwe is ruined.

Zimbabwe has wasted decades on irresponsible politics, to the detriment of generations, when it could have been there in the forefront as a trailblazer.

For the sacrifices we made for our independence, we should be leading Africa and helping bring peace and harmony to troubled regions, and not bludgeoning our people into submission.

Zimbabwe should be a show-piece of democracy, stability and development and a beacon of hope, not the hellhole of human rights abuses and the tyranny that is brought on so many by so few.

Remember, we are Zimbabweans first, and political parties come a long, long way down that line.

It is time we looked in the mirror to see who we really are.

It’s time that we redefined the true creed and meaning of our independence.

We should refuse to be defined by the savage, thug and mobster ideology that is characterising our politics.

We should strive for a more just, more free, more prosperous Zimbabwe.

The gun should never be allowed to rule the ballot and those we have entrusted with the security of our State must not abuse our trust and surreptitiously seek to be our masters.

Brian Mangwende is the Group Associate Editor of Alpha Media Holdings Private Ltd. Feedback: bmangwende@alphamedia.co.zw