I have seen people that started so well in life only to falter and crumble along the way.

Erasmus Makarimayi

There are many reasons for that including the input from third parties.

Friendships, marriages, organisations, ministries, institutions, companies, projects and nations have collapsed because they assimilated evil options and opinions. In private, people receive calling from God and go out to the public to execute.

Behind closed doors strategies are mooted out and solutions and life changing ideas worked out. As you go out to launch you may go off rail because of the company that you bring in. Flourishing ventures, booming business, successful marriages fall apart at the entrance of wrong alternative voices and company.

You need other people in life to help you in your vision. If you live in a vacuum you will not make it in life. In order to make it, you have to be very sensitive and discerning. Learn to be very alert to the guidance, leading and prompting of the Holy Spirit as well as the whisper and nudging of your conscience.

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Stay connected to God by meditating on His Word daily. Right relationships, associations and company will help us realise our dreams and reach our goals. Wrong people will scuttle your dream.

You can be made or destroyed by people depending on who you bring in to add ingredients to the pot of your life. Those of old were not naïve to conclude that too many cooks spoil the broth. They say you are one person away from your breakthrough.

I want to offer that in the same vein you are one person away from breakdown. Whose voice have you heeded and what new company have you co-opted?

You always need to remember that you were alone when God called you. Some of you heard the voice of God clearly after prayer, fasting and consecration. You should not contaminate and taint it with any other voice that speaks otherwise.

Always check if any new and additional voice is in sync with God’s original plan for your destiny. Whatever advice and instruction that is not in tandem with God’s agenda for your life should be discarded. Many people come out of destiny-conceiving wombs with incredible ideas and solutions. As soon as they share their dreams, the devil quickly destroys.

I don’t want to threaten you and instil fear in you, but build you. Be teachable and advisable, but be wise; there are dream assassins on the prowl. The fall of humanity was after Eve listened to a new voice that contradicted God’s plan for mankind. In the wilderness, Jesus refused to yield to any other voice that opposed the Word of God and God’s plan for Him.

Right people can give you wrong advice.

Moses disregarded the opinion of his close people, Aaron and Miriam. However, the same Moses accepted the advice of his father-in-law Jethro and appointed 70 elders to help him in ministry work.

It does not necessarily follow that you have to accept every advice that comes from your seniors. 1 Kings: 13 carries a chilling account of a young prophet who disregarded what he had heard from God in preference to what an elder prophet said.

The young prophet later faced the wrath of God and died after being attacked by a lion. Ironically the prophecy of his demise came through the same elder prophet who had earlier given him a false prophecy which contradicted God’s will.

The lesson from the story is that you should stick to the voice that you are sure you heard from God and every new voice should be consistent with God’s infallibility. Scan all advice and counsel that you get.

Who is speaking to you? What are you giving ear to? Whom have you enlisted to champion your dream? Be careful about your partners and business associates.

Allow the hand of God in your recruitment exercise. As a nation we should be careful about who we bring in as investment partners. Having lots of money does not in itself be enough. The devil has money as well.

I have seen great companies folding after capital injections from satanic investors. Sometimes when you are about to graduate to the next level or come out of a dry season, the devil comes as an investor, consultant, mentor or advisor.

Satan is not that dull. He works through your desperate moments. Never be so desperate and lose your senses. Remain level headed and analyse, scan and weigh every support, help and advice in light of God’s Word. Discard wrong voices that entered your domain.

Offload every wrong company. Don’t keep parasites. You are going somewhere.