AS you ponder on your next move in life one, thought that is most certain to cross your mind is revisiting a failed assignment or disbanded project.

Erasmus Makarimayi

The contemplation comes because either you have brought your current task to its logical conclusion or you have hit a brick wall. The residual and renascent waves of the forgotten, shelved or abandoned dream are so piercing to stimulate action.

When destiny knocks like this, giving you such rare window of opportunity, obey and maximize on the grace of the season. There are many considerations that come up including fear of another failure in the case of revisiting a once tried and failed project. Feeling inadequate may scare you off a new and more challenging assignment.

It takes courage and determination to pick up the remnant and broken pieces of a failed adventure.

However the good news is that the reverberation emanating from the ruins carries embedded tonic water to restart, this time around for a winning cause.

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Without the power of reassuring calling you cannot engage in another battle still smarting out of a defeat. The mere thought of the investment poured in the first attempt is energy sapping. As you read further, get the boldness and positive mindset to re-embark.

We shall do a small exercise and homework before we reengage. Some it will be returning to their former employer or spouse. The driving force this time around is that you have grown up and learnt from your mistakes.

They say once bitten twice shy.

Although this hindsight should equip you for the task ahead, it shouldn’t instil fear in you thus closing the door for your powerful comeback.

The last time you tried you were young and didn’t have the maturity you now have.

If you learn in life, you are bound to deal with yesterday’s problems better.

However sometimes age comes up without concomitant wisdom. You wouldn’t want to be older and more foolish.

Marie Dressler teases,“It is not how old you are, but how you are old.”

You should not just accumulate years but grow in all possible ways. The Bible says of Jesus in Luke 2:52, “And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man.”

With this multifaceted growth you can return and rebuild the ruins. In some cases it’s so humiliating to return to a cause that you once swore never to see again.

You may be a public spectacle. Rising from defeat and climbing to victory podium requires humbling yourself.

In some cases you may be forced to take instruction from those who were once below you.

You may have left for greener pastures and discovered that the pastures out there are not all that green. Please humble yourself and return.

There are people that left the country many years ago and are living in abject poverty and are now shy to return.

They despised home when they left and even spoke evil and spat on everyone.

Maybe you left your family, wife or husband and you are cohabiting with a partner that you have discovered means harm to you, pack your bags and go back home to your loving and caring family. May you be embraced and welcomed back with warmth.

Luke 15 talks of a prodigal son who was received with great warmth, pomp and fanfare after he decided to humble himself and returned to his father’s household.

You need to be positive minded to make it. Don’t be so preoccupied with thoughts of a possible umpteenth failure.

Hardening of the last failure should not make you so frigid and fail to gel with the joy of a new dawn.

Loading yourself with excessive precautions and don’ts deprive you of the adventure of the repackaged passion.

The biblical principle is that the latter will always be better than the former.

Avoid flooding your mind with undesired outcome; it may become a reality as it did to Job.

Job 3:25 records,“For the thing which I greatly feared is come upon me, and that which I was afraid of is come unto me.”

The reverse should be true. If you saturate your heart and mind with the desired outcome, you will reap it. H Jackson Brown Jr teaches, “ I don’t expect to lose. Even when I’m the underdog, I still prepare a victory speech.”

Let success be the only option and don’t be intimidated by the prospects of winning.

Our socioeconomic background has conditioned us not to expect too much in life.

That should not be your portion. Go for it, you’re capable. You are going somewhere.

All Scripture quotations are from the King James Version of the Bible

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